Author: tapbox

  • 2 More money is spent using self service kiosks

    2 More money is spent using self service kiosks

    McDonald’s was one of the first to massively switch to self service oriented customer service and shows no sign of stopping. McDonald’s has reported a 6% increase in sales after introducing self-service order.  Business Insider, 2017 At the moment using the benefits of technology has reported a 6% increase in sales but McDonalds isn’t the only fast food chain to consider…

  • Case study: Self-service benefits for Healthcare

    Case study: Self-service benefits for Healthcare

    When the pandemic broke out in 2020, the healthcare industry experienced unprecedented problems and issues that previously could have been managed but, given the exponential exposure, overwhelmed healthcare institutions. Hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities struggled with operational risks, such as a shortage of staff, resistance to vaccination, and a surge in both mild and…

  • 9 tips how to design perfect UX for self service kiosk!

    9 tips how to design perfect UX for self service kiosk!

    Each self service project is unique – it can be affected by environment around the kiosk, also the product or service one is trying to sell, the client expectations matters but here are the most important user experience designing tips and tricks we have learned from analysing our and other projects: To discuss the various…