Tapbox is a team of professionals
We work as a one-stop shop by designing and developing custom self-service applications for a variety of industries. We are dedicated to finding the best possible solutions for client needs with our individual and unique approach. With in-house built self-service kiosk monitoring and management software it is easier than ever to maintain and manage any number of devices. Hardware is designed, sourced and assembled in partnership with our global suppliers to guarantee highest quality standards.
Our Mission
To increase revenue for our clients and improve user engagement by offering quicker purchase time, more effective upselling and cross-selling, as well as more effective use of human resources.
Our Focus
Tapbox is a one-stop self-service solution provider for a wide range of industries and application areas, such as healthcare, catering, cinema, entertainment, hotel, ticketing, customer servicing, and more.
Our Vision
To innovate new self-service solutions which will enhance human experience with the technology.
Key Strength
The flexibility of our software that enables us to rapidly develop top-notch solutions in a cost-effective manner.
Meet our Team

Toms Piliksers
Co-Founder & CEO

Jāzeps Linde
Product Owner and Head of Sales

Vadims Kožans

Tapbox īsteno projektu ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūras (LIAA) atbalstu, izmantojot Eiropas Savienības kohēzijas politikas 2021.–2027. gada programmas finansējumu. Projekts tiek īstenots programmas pasākuma “Atbalsts tehnoloģiju pārneses sistēmas pilnveidošanai” ietvaros, saskaņā ar Centrālās finanšu un līgumu aģentūras lēmumu. Šis projekts paredz augsti kvalificētu darbinieku piesaisti tehnoloģisko inovāciju attīstībai, līdzfinansējot ar to saistītās izmaksas.